It’s time to take a look at three artists to watch in 2021. Why? Because in the midst of this horrible year, there are some amazing artists creating absolutely fantastic and beautiful work. So, we are going to skip the usual purpose of this blog and post. Well, OK, we won’t skip it. I’ll describe it, welcome new subscribers in the paragraph below. Then we’ll veer back onto today’s exciting topic.
Favorite Things
In early 2020, I pledged to paint a painting each week and blog about it. The name of this weekly series of paintings is Favorite Things. Why? Well, because I choose objects, typically food, that I love to eat. But, I paint it first and then, if it’s still edible, I’ll eat it! This means each week I write about a painting and the process. You are welcome to follow along as I share the ups and downs of this studio and painting life I lead. To do so, simply sign up here. You’ll receive a lively and colorful blog post each week, get a first look at my latest painting or drawing and get early notification of sales, too. Let’s move onward to this week’s topic, shall we?
Check out these amazing artists
Full disclosure, I went to school with these kids from 2014 to 2018. OK, one of them skipped town after a year or two. But the fact is, we all spent a minimum of six hours a day with each other. And, it got to the point where we knew each other so well, we could have our eyes closed, hear one of us walk into the room and tell who it was by the noise (shuffle?) of their feet.
Since 2018, each of these three people has been painting a ton and creating amazing and beautiful work. Who are these crazy cucumbers? Here’s the line up in alphabetical order: Sachelle Dae, Meidi Karampour and Damian Smith.
Sachelle Dae
This magnificent young woman was the first person I met when I walked up the stairs in the Wolf Building in downtown Philadelphia. She was locking her bike to a lamp post. This already qualifies her as supreme bad-a$$. Why? Have you ever driven a car in Philadelphia? Don’t! Imagine riding a bike in the midst of the crazy, f-bombing car drivers. (Trust me, get behind the steering wheel in that town and you will become that…it’s a matter of survival).
Sachelle grew up on the island of Maui and weaves delicious, magical realism into each of her paintings. Here are two examples.

Each of these dreamy and luscious paintings has wonderful characters, composition and color. Check out those flying fish in the first one. And, the figures, too. How about those luscious butterflies in the second one? Let’s confirm the likeness of that portrait in the second one, too. That’s another classmate, Damian Smith, who we will cover in a minute. But let’s just say that facial expression is spot on and so fun to see captured in Sachelle’s painting. Before we share Damian’s work, let’s see Meidi’s.
Meidi Karampour
Meidi came to Philadelphia’s gem of an art school, from Booshehr, Iran. Originally trained as an architect, his drawing skills were already quite advanced. But his inquisitive nature, headstrong opinions (ha! no wonder we got along) and clear view of what he wanted to learn informed his time at school. That and his uncanny ability to chow down all leftovers at late night art school pot luck dinners meant memorable encounters with Meidi.
Here are two recent paintings.

The lusciousness of the paint handling and colors are just beyond words to me. Meidi’s latest plans include acceptance as an MFA student in painting with a graduate teaching assistant (GTA) position at Missouri State University at Springfield. Zoom is the platform for now. But it would be wonderful if he could venture back to the United States for this next pursuit.
Damian Smith
I never had a younger brother. But, if I could pick one, it would be Damian. He’s a complete goof ball, reliable as the sunrise and has a work ethic that is only surpassed by one other person I know (Helloooo Mr. Studly!)
Damian is also a native of Philadelphia. He helped me translate the various meanings and nuances of the let’s just call it ‘vernacular’ in the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection. Here are some of his latest paintings. The first one is a tribute to his professional skateboarding days. I have to say this portrait totally blew me away and still does now when I see it.

When Damian is not capturing the inner spirit of a human being via portraiture, he is climbing scaffolding, bridges, roof tops and hillsides to paint amazing bird’s eye views of Philadelphia and Hawai’i.
There you have it, gentle reader! Do give each of these amazing artists a follow on Instagram. Here’s Sachelle’s Instagram and Meidi’s Instagram and Damian’s Instagram. Heck, reach out to them to buy their paintings, too. And do share your impressions of their paintings in the comments below.